About the project

Digital Tools for Digital Challenges (DIGIPRO) will revolutionise the way we tackle cyberbullying and online hate speech — two prominent challenges of the digital world. 

It will also promote co-education and create an alliance among schools, families and other institutions.

The objectives of the project are:

  • Collaborate with teachers, parents, children, external stakeholders and the community to find solutions to destructive online activities situations.
  • Empower children to debate and reflect on the project topics.
  • Test new tools and methodologies to create a new relationship between media and technology
  • Innovate digital tools and online methodology to reduce cyberbullying and hate speech.
  • Develop teacher competences and help teachers facilitate innovative digital educational paths.
  • Foster the inclusion for learners with a variety of needs and from diverse backgrounds.

Have a look around our website! Discover what our partners have learned by exchanging good practices with teachers, parents and students.